Supporting Legend Springs Elementary
Next PTO Meeting: May 13, 2025 @ 5PM
Topic: Election Meeting
Current PTO Board Vacancy: Business Partner Coordinator x2
Click image for more information.
Our Legendary Sponsors & Donors
Sylvan Learning Arrowhead - PLATINUM Sponsor
Thank you to Sylvan Learning Arrowhead for their generous donation!
Kidfinity Pediatrics - SILVER & Calendar Magnet Sponsor
Thank you to Dr. Devika Malhotra, owner of Kidfinity Pediatrics, for a generous silver sponsorship AND sponsoring our annual calendar magnets!
Stacey Borrego Photography - SILVER Sponsor
Thank you to Stacey Borrego for such a generous donation!
Scavenger Hunts by Let's Roam - Auction Donor
Thank you for the generous donation.
Starbucks on 67th Ave & 101
What We Do
The Legend Springs PTO is all about supporting our school, staff and students! We raise funds to supplement school improvements, pay for learning apps that all students use, show appreciation to our teachers and staff and, of course, have fun events that bring together the Leopard Community!